
IOEA 2024: Faculties speak about it!

Guido Friebel - Goethe U., Frankfurt

Christophe Benavent - U. Paris-Dauphine

Muxin Li - Bocconi U.

Howard Shelanski - Georgetown U.

Christopher Decker - U. of Oxford

Jeffery A. Jenkins - U. Southern California

Federica Carugati - King’s College London

Torbjörn Becker - Stockholm School of Economics

Julia Shvets - U. of Cambridge

Claudine Gartenberg - U. of Pennsylvania, Wharton

IOEA 2023: Faculties speak about it!

William E. Kovacic - George Washington University

Gillian Hadfield - University of Toronto

Edward J. Balleisen - Duke University

Lisa Bernstein - University of Chicago

Ron Boschma - Utrecht University

Tore Ellingsen - Stockholm School of Economics

Sonia Bhalotra - University of Warwick

Carlos Pereira - Getulio Vargas Foundation

Christian Zehnder - University of Lausanne

Francisco Brahm - London Business School

Saad Gulzar - Princeton University

Camilo Garcia-Jimeno - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Germain Gauthier - ETH Zürich

IOEA 2023: participants' impression

Matylda Trocinska - LMU Munich

Alexander Rodivilov - Stevens Institute of Technology

Juni Singh - California Institute of Technologie

Manuel Grieder - UniDistance Suisse

Reem Ismail - Paris Dauphine - PSL University

Joanna Williams - University of California

IOEA 2022: Faculties speak about it!

Bernard Salanié - University of Columbia

Dilip Mookherjee - Boston University

Dominic Rohner - Lausanne University

Erina Ytsma - Carnegie Mellon University

Steve Tadelis - UC Berkeley

Marc Bourreau - Télécom Paris, IPP

Margarethe Wiersema - Irvine University

IOEA 2022: participants' impression

Chloé Nibourel

Gabriele Pinto

Oliver Feltham

Reem Ismael

Yuanchen Su

IOEA 2019: faculties speak about it!

IOEA 2019: a quick overview of some shared researches

Eric Maskin - Nobel prize in economics, Harvard U., USA,
"How to Improve Presidential Elections"