Ekaterina Reznikova


University / Organisation : Deusto University

Paper or project ? paper

Title : Addressing gender promotion gap in Spain: women and invisibility in the context of telework

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Abstract : Gender disparity in the labour market is a pervasive issue that impacts women's career trajectories from the onset of employment and continues throughout their professional lives, influencing job promotions, salaries, and access to social security benefits (Moraru, 2022). The Covid-19 crisis in Spain has brought to light the significance of fostering connections between remote and on-site workers, particularly in addressing and mitigating potential gender gaps that may emerge in telecommuting arrangements (Alvarez Cuesta, 2020). The underrepresentation of women in high-responsibility positions emphasises the critical need for the implementation of policies and measures aimed at promoting gender equality, specifically within job promotion processes. Little is known about inclusion of teleworkers into the corporate culture and specifics of their career advancement especially from a gender perspective. This chapter looks at how women embodied their professional tasks remotely and why they face hurdles upon their career track specifically while teleworking. Findings from the analysis of 30 in-depth interviews conducted with female workers and experts on labour and gender in Spain point to the complexity and contradictions in the talent discovery and career development carried out by women and provide ways of improving this situation.