(Wednesday, 23rd May 2007)
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How do sectors evolve? In particular, what shapes the institutional structure of production – i.e. the division of labour between different types of industry participants? And how does that affect firms, their capabilities, and profits? Rather than taking the vertical layout of a sector as a given, recent research has focused on what drives “industry architectures” – stable but evolving patterns of dividing labour in a sector; and on the implications of these patterns. In our workshop, we will consider these topics, covering theory as well as empirical evidence.
Bibliographical references :
Must read reference : M.G. Jacobides, T. Knudsen and M. Augier, 2006. “Benefiting from Innovation: Value Creation, Value Appropriation and the Role of Industry Architectures”, Research Policy, vol. 35, pp. 1200-1221.
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M.G. Jacobides and S.G. Winter, 2005. “The Co-evolution of Capability and Transaction Costs: Explaining the Institutional Structure of Production”, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 26, No.5, May: pp. 395-413.
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