(Monday, 3rd May 2004)
Bibliographical references :
Haveman, Heather A. (1992). "Between a rock and a hard place: Organizational change and performance under conditions of fundamental environmental transformation." Administrative Science Quarterly, 37: 48-75
Barnett, William P. and Glenn R. Carroll (1995). "Modeling internal organizational change." Annual Review of Sociology, 21: 217-236
Nickerson, Jack A. and Brian S. Silverman (2004). "Why firms want to organize efficiently and what keeps them from doing so: Inappopriate governance, performance, and adaptation in a deregulated industry," Administrative Science Quarterly, forthcoming
Bigelow, Lyda S. and Nick S. Argyres (2004), "Do transaction costs matter at all stages of the industry lifecycle?, mimeo.
(Wednesday, 20th May 2015)
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Bibliographical references :
Bates, R. H. (1998). The international coffee organization: An international institution. In R. H. Bates, A. Greif, M. Levi, J.-L. Rosenthal & B. R. Weingast (Eds.), Analytic narratives. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Hansen, Z. K., & Libecap, G. D. (2004). Small farms, externalities, and the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. Journal of Political Economy, 112(3), 665–694.
Ingram, P., H. Rao and B.S. Silverman. (2012). History in strategy research: What, why, and how? Advances in Strategic Management, 29: 241-273.
Ingram, P. and B.S. Silverman. (2015). The cultural contingency of structure: Evidence from entry to the slave trade in and around the Abolition movement. Working paper, Columbia University.
Silverman, B.S., & Ingram, P. (2012). Managing agency problems in early shareholder capitalism: An exploration of Liverpool shipping in the 18th century. Social Sciences Research Network Working Paper. Available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm? abstract_id=2070887