Margaret Levi
Stanford University



(Tuesday, 23rd May 2017)

Title : In the Interest of Others

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Variations in democratic governance arrangements, on the one hand, and provision of promised goods and services, on the other hand, influence the development of both legitimating beliefs and behaviors.  Under the right set of leadership and governance conditions, constituents are more likely to comply with the extractive demands of the organization.  Moreover, when leaders seek political rather than economic rents, when the governance arrangements are more inclusive, and when there is an appeal to an extended "community of fate," members may be willing to engage in costly actions, using valuable resources and, in some instances, risking jail time on behalf of a larger common good. 

Bibliographical references :

Leadership: What it means, what it does, and what we want to know about it" (with John S. Ahlquist). Annual Review of Political Science, v. 14 (2011): 1-24.