Paulo Furquim de Azevedo

Furquim de Azevedo


(Tuesday, 19th May 2015)

Title : The boundaries of government: a normative and positive analysis of privatization

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Privatization and statization are still quite controversial issues. Both are the two sides of the same coin (question): what should be the boundaries of government. Part of the controversy is purely ideological, but there is also expressive dissonance between theoretical predictions and empirical findings. This workshop will explore the tension between theory and empirics, and how it informs about the opportunities to design more appropriate empirical tests or to refine theoretical models.

Bibliographical references :

Hart OD, Shleifer A, Vishny RW. 1997. The proper scope of government: theory and an application to prisons. Quarterly Journal of Economics 112(4): 1127-1161.

Williamson OE. 1999. Public and private bureaucracies: a transaction cost economics perspective. Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 15(1): 306-342.

Galiani, S., Gertler, P., & Schargrodsky, E. (2005). Water for life: The impact of the privatization of water services on child mortality. Journal of Political Economy, 113(1), 83-120.

Cabral S, Lazzarini SG, Azevedo PF. 2010. Private operation with public supervision: evidence of hybrid modes of governance in prisons. Public Choice 145(1-2): 281-293.

Azevedo PF, Saiani, C. 2015. Privatization as a political strategy: evidence from basic sanitation. Mimeo.