Anne Neumann
DIW Berlin, Germany



(Wednesday, 2nd June 2010)

Title : Applied Analysis of Governance Arrangements

In this workshop we explore possibilities for empirical applications when data on contractual arrangements and / or prices in sectors are observable, i.e. for natural gas, water, airports, or highways. The focus will be on sector specific characteristics and peculiarities when specifying the estimation strategy. In addition, deriving testable hypotheses from economic theory will be discussed.

Bibliographical references :

Sophia Ruester and Michael Zschille (2010): The Impact of Governance Structure on Firm Performance: An Application to the German Water Distribution Sector. Working Paper, Chair of Energy Economics and Public Sector Management, Technical University Dresden.

Sophia Ruester and Anne Neumann (2009): Linking Alternative Theories of the Firm – a First Empirical Application to the Liquefied Natural Gas Industry. Journal of Institutional Economics, Vol. 5, Nr. 1, pp. 47-64.