Participants : IOEA 2024

Full name Affiliation/University Paper or project Group Photo
Abdi, Jaber Mazandaran University Revisiting of the Coase Theorem; An Approach to Determining the Initial Property Rights 2
Adolphus, James LUT Yliopisto A Macro-level Analysis of the Role of Institutional Quality in Sustainable Development 3
Benabdelkrim, Rami Université Paris Dauphine Regional Disparities and Specialization Effects: Evaluating the Impact of Producer Responsibility Organizations on E-Waste Management in France 2
Bisantis, Alienor Aix-Marseille University Decoding choice: Women, Motherhood, and Academic Career 1
Daelen, Anna Goethe University Did you serve? New evidence on the causal effect of conscription on wage in Germany 1
Delville, Martin Telecom Paris Connecting Votes, Exploring the Impact of Broadband Infrastructure Deployment on Voter Behavior 3
Eustache, Lucas Paris-Dauphine PSL Models of personal data regulation: Empirical analysis of European, Chinese and American models 2
Ferroni, Giorgio University of Namur Recurrent backers in crowdfunding 2
Grieder, Manuel UniDistance Suisse Use and Design of Peer Evaluations for Bonus Allocations 1
Gueben, Marine UNamur Seedlings of democracy? Quantitative approach on community forestry and local politics 3
Guelmamen, Mehdi Université de Lorraine Does inter-municipal cooperation increase prices? An analysis of the French drinking water sector 2
Gupta, Ayush Boston University Incentive Problems as a Limit to Firm Size 2
Han, Yinglei University Paris Dauphine Corporate Honorum. Massive Data Analysis of Careers in the Corporations 1
Jimenez Bedolla, Edgar Francisco Université Paris Dauphine Lobbying in the European Union : how do firms influence the European Commission decisions? 2
Kaja, Fatjon University of Amsterdam Reframing Corporate Purpose: A Historical Perspective. 3
Kostopoulou, Maria-Konstantina Paris Dauphine-PSL Intersecting Inequalities: Environmental Justice, Health Disparities, and Welfare at the Crossroads 3
Kreutschy, Tiffany University of Lausanne Charismatic Leadership: An Antidote to the Pitfalls of Incentives? 1
Le Floch, Justine IAE Paris Sorbonne Pursuing trust-based relationships in a highly uncertain environment: An economic analysis of administrative disputes in the French water sector 3
Levy, Benjamin Université Paris Dauphine - PSL What talking to the State means. Emotions expressed with user complaints in the public sector and how they are managed 1
Li, Jiewei University College London Migration and E-commerce Trade 1
Li, Zichuan Université Paris Dauphine - PSL Institutional Change of the Platform Regulation and Anti-monopoly in China 3
Maille-Lefranc, Oriane Université Paris II - Panthéon Assas Using machine learning to detect international cartels: an interorganizational analysis 2
Mohsin, Shahmeer Paris Dauphine, PSL University, France Walled Gardens or Open Mobility? How Cycle Share Usage Reacts to Integration on Aggregator and Service Provider Platforms 2
Nguyen, Van Thinh VinUniversity Can AI- Corporate Governance benefit SMEs? An experimental evidence from Viet Nam 2
Olave, Isac Paris Dauphine University Regulatory Policy Under Pressure: Insights from the Mobility Sector 3
Paladino, Emma Aix Marseille School of Economics Time allocation in networks: social activity and care provision 1
Patios, Ioannis UNIVERSITY OF MACEDONIA Disasters and Political Trust in EU Regions 3
Reznikova, Ekaterina Deusto University Addressing gender promotion gap in Spain: women and invisibility in the context of telework 1
Richard, Quentin Université de Namur Intergenerational transmission of life expectancy 1
Rodivilov, Alexander Stevens Institute of Technology Flexibility, Rigidity, and Competitive Experimentation 2
Seralta, Coline Laboratoire De Génie Industriel, Centralsupélec, Université Paris Saclay A literature review of economic incentives to upscale Carbon Dioxide Removal 3
Shubhangi, Shubhangi Institute of Law and Economics, Universitz of Hamburg Role of Law in Changing Behaviours when Law has Low Salience: Case of Dowry in India 3
Zhang, Qiming Paris University Dauphine-PSL How price sensitive are carpool passengers? Evidence from fee changes 1