Practical information - IOEA 2022


Contact Information

Postal address :
Professor Eric Brousseau
Université Paris Dauphine
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
75 775 Paris Cedex 16

Financial information

  • Travel : Cargese is roughly one hour by car from the airport of Ajaccio. There are flights to Ajaccio from Paris, Marseille, Nice and major European hubs. The round-trip Paris-Ajaccio costs from 200€ (if booked in advance) to 350-400€. Be prompt in booking your flights ! For those flying from abroad, you should spend a Saturday night in France to benefit of cheaper fares on your international flight. This will enable you to enjoy either a weekend in the Island of Beauty or the nightlife in Paris. Transfer by bus is organized from Ajaccio airport to the Cargese institute: it costs 50€ (Ajaccio/Cargese/Ajaccio).
  • Accommodation : Lodging in Cargese is mostly organized in apartments in the village or in rooms at the Institute. You will benefit from a room for the duration of your stay (from Sunday to Saturday) for 320€/week. Hotel rooms are available as well from 80€ per night.
  • Meals : You will benefit from lunches and two coffee breaks at the Institute for a weekly rate of 180€. A farewell party will be organized on Friday night. Evening meals are on your own in the village.
  • Registration fees : 550€ per person.