The audience


Between 2002 and 2018, 1135 scholars attended the IOEA. Among them, 858 are alumni and 277 are invited speakers. Thanks to the international nature of the scientific committee, the IOEA benefit from a profoundly international audience. The academy also benefits from the active support of the Society for Institutional and organizational Economics (SIOE, ex International Society for New Institutional Economics - ISNIE). This society greatly contributes to the expansion of an international network of students and researchers.

As shown here below, the school has been attracting a growing number of international participants and became a reference for researchers working in the field. In 2002, less than 25% of students came from elsewhere than the European continent; in 2017, this share became more than 60%.

An international audience

Zones Countries Number of participants Frequency
Africa South Africa, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Malawi, Togo, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Kenya 26 2.29%
North America Canada, United States 123 10.84%
South America Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela 76 6.7%
Asia and the Middle East Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, China, Honk Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam 122 10.75%
Oceania Australia 5 0.44%
Europe (UE - 28) Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, England, Netherlands 665 58.59%
Europe non UE Bosnia, Norway, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Armenia, Switzerland, Montenegro, Slovenia 118 10.4%
1135 100%

Evolution of participants’ and Faculty’s nationalities