(Thursday, 19th May 2016)
Title : Institutional Environment and Corporate Political Strategy: A Comparative Perspective
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Corporate political strategies are firm actions that target a country’s political system and seek to influence political decisions and policies to advance a firm’s private ends. The benefits that political strategy can achieve—and the hurdles that need to be overcome in order to achieve these benefits—are determined by the institutional environment. As a result, various dimensions in the institutional environment play a key role in affecting why and how firms pursue political strategy, which constitute a theoretical background to develop a comparative perspective of corporate political strategy.
Bibliographical references :
Must read reference : Marquis, Christopher and Mia Raynard. 2015. "Institutional Strategies in Emerging Markets" Academy of Management Annals, 9: No. 1, 291–335.
Choi S., Jia N., Lu J. 2015. The Structure of Political Institutions and Effectiveness of Corporate Political Lobbying. Organization Science 26(1): 158-179.
Haveman, H., Jia N., Shi J., Wang Y. 2016 The Dynamics of Political Embeddedness in China. Accepted by the Administrative Science Quarterly.