Dean Lueck
Indiana University



(Wednesday, 18th May 2011)

Title : Economics of Property Law

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My lecture will examine the economic structure of property law (focusing on common law rules) by surveying economic models of property rights and the empirical literature on the economics of property rights/property law. I will discuss the extent to which economics can explain property law and what areas might be fruitful for research. Below are three articles that are useful references for the topics to be discussed in the lecture and related discussions.

  1. Dean Lueck and Thomas Miceli. 2007."Property Law," (in Handbook of Law and Economics, eds. A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell.)
  2. Gary Libecap and Dean Lueck. 2011."Land Demarcation Systems. (in  Research Handbook on the Economics of Property Law, eds. Henry Smith and Kenneth Ayotte).
  3. Thomas Merrill, 2011. "Property and Fire"  (in Wildfire: Economics, Law and Policy eds. Karen Bradshaw and Dean Lueck).