Jean-Michel Glachant
U. of Paris XI



(Tuesday, 1st January 2002)

Title : Governance and Regulation of Network Industries

Network industries liberalization belongs to the core of public policies of European States and the European Commission since the 80s. However, on the one hand, 'markets' didn't become the sole regulator of these industries in Europe. On the other hand, there is no 'single Utilities market' in Europe nor any 'single European Utilities regulation'. New institutional analysis help understanding why 'governance' matters in this issue.

Bibliographical references :

European Commission DG TREN report on electricity liberalisation (2001).

Glachant J.-M. (2002-a), "Why regulate deregulated network industries?," submited to the Journal of Network Industries.

Glachant J.-M. (2002-b), "Comparing institutional foundations: the creation of competitive wholesale markets in Europe," in B. Deffains (ed), Proceedings of Law and Economics in Civil Law Countries, ed. Cujas (forthcoming).

Glachant J.-M. (2002-c), "The making of competitive electricity markets in Europe," in J.-M. Glachant & D. Finon (eds), Competition in European Electricity Markets: A Cross Country Comparison, Edward Elgar, chapter 1.

Levy, B. and P. T. Spiller (1994). "The Institutional Foundations of Regulatory Commitment: A Comparative Analysis of Telecommunications Regulation," Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, vol. 10, no.2, pp. 201-246.

Eberlein B. (2000), "Configurations of Economic Regulation in the European Union: The Case of Electricity in Comparative Perspective," Current Politics and Economics of Europe, Special Issue (Regulation in Europe, edited by David Coen and Mark Thatcher), vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 407-425.

Glachant J.-M. and Finon D. (2000), "Why do the European Union's electricity industries continue to differ? A new institutional analysis," in C. Menard (ed.), Institutions, Contracts and Organizations, Edward Elgar, pp. 313-334.

Holburn G; & Spiller P. (2002), "Institutional or Structural: Lessons from International Electricity Sector Reforms," in E. Brousseau and J.-M. Glachant (eds), The Economics of Contracts: Theories and Applications, Cambridge University Press, chapter 26.

Dang N'Guyen G. and Penard T. (2002), "Interconnection agreements: strategic behaviour and property rights," in E. Brousseau & J.-M. Glachant (eds), The Economics of Contracts: Theories and Applications, Cambridge University Press, chapter 21.