Veneta Andonova
U. Los Andes, Bogotá



(Monday, 21st May 2007)

Title : Measuring institutions

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This workshop will moderate a discussion around two central topics: (1) popular measures of institutions and (2) some methodological issues related to variable definition, the underlying assumptions and the downside of instrumental variables. Institutional proxies used by both economists (i.e. the index of secure property rights) and sociologists (i.e. the Hofstede’s cultural factors) will be discussed.

Bibliographical references :

Must read reference : Przeworski, Adam (2004), “Some Historical, Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Identifying Effects of Political Institutions”

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Acemoglu, D and S. Johnson (2005), “Unbundling Institutions,” Journal of Political Economy, 113(5).

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